Hemley Gonzalez, Founder & CEO

I oversee all aspects of fundraising, CSR partnerships, social media communication, PR and general program development across our community centers in India. Working closely with city directors on a daily basis provides me with fresh perspectives and insight to continue to create a measurable formula that empcompasses a holistic range of services designed to end generational poverty for children and families living in slum communities.
Born and raised in Havana, Cuba I migrated to the United States as a political refugee with my parents at age thirteen and became a real estate broker after highschool graduation. I bring years of management skills and corporate knowledge to all areas of our organization with a focus on mentorship and professional development for everyone in our staff team. My personal vision of humanism guides the principles of our social services, such as an indiscriminately secular education, family planning and birth control for everyone we assist regardless of religion or caste.